Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cellular Processes Essay Example for Free

Cellular Processes Essay When molecules move from a high to low concentration it is called moving DOWN the concentration gradient. †¨When molecules move from a low to high concentration it is called moving AGAINST the concentration gradient. †¨When the concentration of a solute is the same throughout a system, the system is at EQUILIBRIUM.†¨What kind of transport DOES NOT require energy? PASSIVEWhat kind of transport requires energy? ACTIVE†¨Which CELL PART provides the energy for active transport? MITOCHONDRIA†¨Which MOLECULE is produced by mitochondria and provides energy for transport? ATP †¨Movement of molecules FROM a region of HIGH concentration TO a region of LOW concentration = DIFFUSION †¨The movement of molecules FROM a region of HIGH concentration TO a region of LOW concentration with the HELP of carrier proteins or channels = FACILITATED DIFFUSION Membrane proteins that move molecules across membranes by attaching, changing shape, and flipping to the other side like a revolving door = CARRIER PROTEINS Membrane proteins that help molecules across membranes by providing a tunnel = PROTEIN CHANNELS†¨The movement of WATER molecules from HIGH concentration to LOW concentration across a cell membrane = OSMOSIS Stage 3 Stages 1 2Which kinds of transport use VESICLES to help molecules across membranes? ENDOCYTOSIS (PHAGOCYTOSIS PINOCYTOSIS EXOCYTOSIS Photosynthesis Chemical Reaction for photosynthesis: Water + Carbon dioxide à   Glucose + Oxygen 6H2O + 6CO2 ïÆ'   C6H12O6 + 6O2 Process by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates such as sugars and starches Chloroplast- site of photosynthesis Cellular Respiration- process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen; Aerobic means with oxygen (O2); Anaerobic means without oxygen (O2) -Glycolysis- Means the splitting of glucose; Occurs in the cytoplasm of all cells in every organism; It does NOT require oxygen; A net of 2 ATP is made during glycolysis. -Fermentation – Anaerobic Pathway-There are 2 types of fermentation: Alcoholic Fermentation-Occurs in yeasts and bacteria, CO2 and ethyl alcohol are produced (bread dough rising); Lactic Acid Fermentation-Occurs during strenuous exercise (burning fatigue in muscles) -Cellular Respiration Totals: Energy produced per glucose molecule; -Glycolysis = Net of 2 ATP; Kreb’s Cycle = 2 ATP; Electron Transport Chain (ETC) = 32 ATP; Total = 36 ATP per glucose molecule Mitochondria â€Å"powerhouse†- site of cellular respiration= MAKING ENERGY! Manages the process by which energy stored in food molecules is transformed into usable energy for the cell. Other cell organelles: Vacuole- stores water, waster, enzymes and other materials (like a water tower) Golgi body- sorts and packages proteins (think of UPS) Nucleus- brain/control center of the cell; instructions for making proteins Lysosome- digests worn out organelles, food particles, and engulfed bacteria viruses (like a janitor/clean up crew) Ribosome- site of protein synthesis (think of meat-has protein in it) Cell membrane- controls what enter and leaves the cell, â€Å"semi or selectively permeable† (like a bouncer) Mitosis: produces 2 genetically identical, diploid body (somatic) cellsDiploid: full set of chromosomes Meiosis: produces 4 genetically different, haploid sex (gametes) cellsHaploid: chromosome # is half Practice Questions: Cell organelles carry out specific metabolic processes. 1. Study the statement above. Which cell organelle manages the process by which proteins are sorted and packaged to be sent where they are needed? a. ribosomesb. lysosomesc. Golgi bodiesd. vacuoles 2. Study the statement above. Which cell organelle is responsible for storing  enzymes and other materials needed by the cell? a. ribosomesb. vacuolesc. mitochondriad. lysosomes 3. Study the statement above. Which cell organelle manages the process by which proteins are assembled based on DNA instructions? a. mitochondriab. lysosomesc. ribosomesd. vacuoles 4. Study the statement above. Which cell organelle manages the process by which energy stored in food molecules is transformed into usable energy for the cell? a. lysosomesb. golgi bodiesc. mitochondriad. ribosomes 5. Study the statement above. Which cell organelle manages the process by which worn out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria are digested? a. ribosomesb. lysosomesc. vacuolesd. golgi bodies 6. Which of these is not an advantage gained by organisms which reproduce sexually? a. Genetic recombination created genetic diversity within a species. b. Some percentage of organisms within a species will be likely to survive and reproduce despite harsh environmental conditions. c. Genetic diversity reduces the risk of species extinction caused by hard environmental conditions. d. Genetic diversity weakens a species’ overall ability to survive harsh environmental conditions. 7. A fertilized egg created through sexual reproduction- a. has a combination of genetic material that is unique in the species b. is genetically identical to other eggs of the same parents c. is genetically identical to the parents d. contains genetic material from only one parent 8. Organisms reproduce asexually in a variety of ways. A bacterium reproduces by making a copy of its chromosome, growing larger, then dividing into two separate, genetically identical cells. This process is called- a. regenerationb. binary fissionc. vegetative reproductiond. budding 9. Which of the following statements about sexual reproduction is false? a. Organisms that reproduce sexually produce sex cells called gametes. b. Fertilization is part of the sexual reproduction process. c. In sexual reproduction, a single parent produces identical offspring. d. A zygote is produced through sexual reproduction. 10. Study the chemical reactions below. Photosynthesis: Cellular respiration: Plants produce more oxygen during photosynthesis than they use in cellular respiration. What happens to the excess oxygen produced during photosynthesis? a. It is used as an energy source by plant cells. b. It is released into the air and is used by other organisms for respiration. c. It is converted into heat energy. d. It is a waste product which is never reused. 11. Which of these is inhaled by animals, then used in respiration? a. carbonb. oxygenc. nitrogend. water 12. One of the products of photosynthesis is glucose (C6H12O6). Which of the following statements about the production and use of this molecule is false? a. Plants use the energy from glucose to convert nutrients to body tissues and grow larger. b. Glucose that is not immediately used by the plant is stored for later use. c. Plants use the energy from glucose to manufacture a variety of plant products. d. Glucose that is not immediately used by the plant is lost as waste material. 13. Tigers, goldfish, peacocks, and humans all reproduce sexually. Which statement is true about sexual reproduction? a. It is not a factor scientists use to define different species. b. It involves the joining of an egg and sperm into one cell. c. The offspring are genetically the same as their parents. d. Sexual reproduction can only take place by internal fertilization. 14. Jackson is growing a bean plant in a pot. One day Jackson notices that the plant is wilting. He waters the bean plant and within a few minutes the plant begins to perk up. This is because the plant has taken up water by osmosis. At what structural level does osmosis occur? a. organs b. tissues c. cells d. organ systems Organisms as different as bacteria, mushrooms, algae, oak trees, and human beings are all made of cells. 15. Read the information above. Which statement is true for all cells? a. All cells have the same shape. b. All cells need energy to survive. c. All cells are surrounded by a rigid wall. d. All cells belong to organ systems. Michelle is looking through a microscope at a cell from an onion root. She sees a cell that is in the process of dividing to make a new cell. This is what Michelle sees: 16. Study the diagram and the description above. If Michelle were able to find an onion cell that had completed division, what products of cell division would she see? a. four different cellsb. only one cellc. two identical cellsd. four identical cells 17. Study the diagram and the statement above. Michelle is observing cell division in an onion cell, but this type of cell division also occurs in the human body. Which statement is not true about this type of cell division in humans? a. This type of cell division is humans produces sex cells as well as body cells. b. This type of cell division in humans occurs while bones are forming during development. c. This type of cell division in humans can be affected by viruses. d. This type of cell division in humans is necessary to heal cuts and wounds 18. Study the diagram and the description above. What is the name for the process Michelle is observing? a. mutationb. meiosisc. mitosisd. metamorphosis 19. Study the diagram and the information above. Which of these statements about cell division is true? a. A newly formed daughter cell has less DNA than its parent cell. b. Cells divide at random times. c. New cells formed by cell division can replace dying cells in an organism. d. The phases of cell division can occur in any order. 20. A special type of cell division, called meiosis, is used to form sex cells or gametes. Which statement is true above this type of cell division? a. The products of meiosis are two identical cells. b. DNA is not copied at all during meiosis. c. The new cells have half the DNA of the parent cell. d. Meiosis is complete after only one round of cell division. 21. A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with warm salt water, and the swelling decreases. Which has occurred? a. The swollen gums have absorbed the saltwater solution. b. The saltwater solution lowers the temperature of the water in the gums. c. The salt in the solution has moved against the concentration gradient. d. The water in the gums has moved from a high to a low concentration of water. 22. What advantage do sexually reproducing organisms have over asexually reproducing organisms? a. genetic variationb. genetic stabilityc. increased fertilization rated. increased reproductive rate 23. What is the most likely function of a group of cells that contain a high number of chloroplasts? a. respirationb. transpirationc. fermentationd. photosynthesis 24. In humans, glucose is kept in balance in the bloodstream by insulin. Which concept does this best illustrate? a. adaptationb. homeostasisc. metabolismd. organization 25. In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different? a. Cellular respiration stores ATP, while photosynthesis releases ATP. b. Cellular respiration produces oxygen, while photosynthesis uses oxygen. c. Photosynthesis releases energy, while cellular respiration stores energy. d. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide. 26. Which statement best distinguishes aerobic from anaerobic respiration? a. Only aerobic respiration involves fermentation. b. Only anaerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria. c. Only aerobic respiration requires oxygen. d. Only anaerobic respiration produces carbon dioxide. 27. Which most accurately describes the difference in ATP production between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration? a. Aerobic respiration produces more ATP than anaerobic respiration. b. Anaerobic respiration produces more ATP than aerobic respiration. c. Only anaerobic respiration produces measurable amounts of ATP. d. Anaerobic and aerobic respiration produce the same amount of ATP. 28. A human skin cell contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are present in a human sperm cell? a. 23b. 46c. 92d. 138 29. What is homeostasis? a. the ability of an organism to maintain a relatively stable internal environment b. the production of a hormone by an endocrine gland that works on another endocrine gland c. a series of events that monitor how hormones work in the body d. a process in which a change in the environment causes a response that returns conditions to their original status 30. If the body stopped producing new Beta cells, what would the expected outcome be? The pancreas would no longer release glucagon High blood glucose levels would continue to become normal Insulin would no longer be released Alpha cells would become beta cells 31. You just ran a marathon (26.2 miles) and your body is trying to reach homeostasis. Which of the following statements is true? Your blood vessels will constrict to conserve heat Your blood vessels will dilate to release body heat Your body’s control center will shut down Your brain will tell your body not to sweat

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hamlet Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"To Be or Not To Be†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The â€Å"To Be or Not To Be† speech in the play, â€Å"Hamlet,† portrays Hamlet as a very confused man. He is very unsure of himself and often wavers between two extremes. In the monologue, he contemplates death; over whether he should commit suicide or seek revenge for his father’s death. The play also shows how Hamlet thinks over things too much. From the analysis over life and death he comes to the conclusion that he would rather live and seek revenge for father’s death than die. So he follows out his plans and kills Claudius after much person debate as he had done in his soliloquy. Evidence of his unsureness, fickleness, and thinking too much is not only shown in this speech, but throughout the entire play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the soliloquy, Hamlet considers suicide. His character is clearly shown in this speech. The speech itself shows that he thinks too much. He is wavering between the two extremes: life and death. â€Å"Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them† (3, 1, 56-60). He wonders whether he should live and suffer or die and end the suffering. He believes that life is synonymous with suffering. The â€Å"whips and scorn of time, Th’oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, The pangs of disprized love, the law’s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th’unworthy takes...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Impact of conflict Essay

Have you ever wonder why there are divisions and schisms around us that eventually lead to riots and wars? How can these things happen? These dilemmas happen because of conflict within the body or group of people. Sometimes conflict arises because of the superior and inferior mentality of some people. We can even notice and observe nowadays how our society is drastically changing. Our beliefs, cultures, values and morals have been changed through times. People are becoming liberal on things and somewhat approves the things that we know deep within us are wrong. They have the tendency to do things which only â€Å"benefit† them that can cause schisms and conflicts within their work, co-workers and even in their own family. They sometimes become insensitive and disregarded the right values and morals that were inculcated by their parents when they were still young in order to satisfy their selfish desires; thus, they sacrifice the welfare of their family and friends in order to meet their own desires. If an employee has conflicts with his boss, there is a tendency that he will not follow on his boss’ instructions that might be the ground of his termination. If a conflict happens within his co-workers, he might gossip about his co-workers whereabouts. But if there is conflict within the family, members within have always tension. Conflicts can bring disunity. Disunity can bring chaos and chaos can bring divisions. In the workplace, conflicts among the employees are not new. One scenario that can create conflict within the workplace is when somebody is promoted to a greater position and when you know that you are ahead of that person. Jealousy starts to creep in your heart and you feel inferior. This might lead to bitterness. On the other hand, conflicts within the family is one of the most dreadful things may happen to a person. Family can be disunited if conflict arises. Moreover, to a social psychologist, a conflict is a seemingly incompatibility of actions, goals, of ideas. The elements of conflict are much the same at all levels, from nations in an arms race to cultural disputes within a society to individuals in marital strife. In each situation, people become enmeshed in a destructive social process that produces results no one wants. Among these destructive processes are social traps and distorted perceptions (Dawes, 2000). Reference: 1. Dawes, R. M. (2000). Social Dilemmas. Annual Review of Psychology, 31 169-193.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Italian War And The Punic Wars - 1399 Words

Roma omnia vincit: by 44BC. Rome had conquered a vast array of land from Gaul to Numidia to Syria. Although not completely joined up for instances most of Anatolia was not under the Roman State. The question was a topic of much debate in the 1980s, after Harris published his ‘War and Imperialism in Republican Rome’. Promoting a view that Roman expansion was aggressive, while the main thought was that Rome had gained provinces via defensive measures; Sherwin-White rebuffed Harris’ claims but partly for them being too extreme in thought. The debate resulted in three points of view: economic imperialism: an aggressive policy that believes Rome is intentionally seeking to dominate other states. Defensive imperialism: unintentional empire, a result from major wars such as the Macedonian war and the Punic wars. Rome entered the wars either to help allies or protect herself. This was part of Badian’s thesis against the Marxist polemic. The essay will incorporate the theories but will weigh up if Rome was aggressive or defensive in approach to acquiring an empire. The sources that will be used are Harris and White predominantly as the two are of opposing views. Ancient evidence will mostly come from literary sources such as Polybius, Sallust and Livy to name three and bearing in mind biases that they may have. For instance, Polybius was a Greek and a hostage so at times there may be an anti-Roman feel to his prose. The essay will indicate that the evidence and practises ofShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of The Roman Republic1741 Words   |  7 Pagesanticipated its level of military engagement nor the number of conflicts it would find itself in over the next two hundred years. A series of wars allowed the Roman Republic to consolidate power on the Italian peninsula, emerge as a major force in the Mediterranean area, and lay the groundwork for what eventually would become the Empire. 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